What's coming up?
School returns on Monday 31st October and Clubs will start straight away that week
Monday 7th November- Open Afternoon in EYFS
Friday 11th November - Odd Socks Day
Friday 11th November- Year 5/6 Trip to the Cinema- The Railway Children
Monday 14th November- Wednesday 16th November- Year 5/6 tree planting with the Park's Trust
Wednesday 16th November- 2.30pm-6.30pm- Melish Court information session for residents in the Main Hall
Wednesday 23rd November- EYFS, KS1 and 3 /4 trip to the cinema to see Sonic 2
Wednesday 30th November- Woburn Class assembly 2.45pm
Monday 5th December- Open Afternoon in EYFS
Monday 5th December- School Discos- EYFS/ KS1- 4-5.30pm
KS2- 5.45pm- 7.15pm [No football today].
Wednesday 7th December- Bradwell Class assembly 2.45pm
Tuesday 6th December- Last Homework Club
Thursday 8th December- Last Thursday Clubs
Monday 12th December- School Christmas lunch and Mr Godfrey's last football session
Tuesday 13th December- Year 6 Christmas Cracked
Wednesday 14th December- 2pm and 6pm EYFS and KS1 Nativity
Thursday 15th December- Whole school Pantomime
Friday 16th December- BREAK UP!
Wednesday 4th January- Return to school