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Remote education provision- Google Classroom Information

Abbeys is now a Google Classroom School.  Using Google Classroom will allow your child to have access to classwork, homework and much more. It is accessible online and through any mobile devices with Internet capabilities—including laptops, desktops, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.  During periods of school closure, children are expected to access remote learning for an average of three hours each day (four hours for children in Key Stage 2, Years 3 - 6).

Using the individual Google Username (email address) and Password for your child, follow the instructions below to login.

NB We recommend using a chrome browser to access

Step 1

Go to

Step 2

Login with your username and password.

Step 3

You will see your classroom, click on this to join it, you then will get a message asking if you are a Teacher or Student, click on Student. 

You will now be in your class.  Please see the tutorial below for more information about Google Classroom.

Please see the following link for information on how to hand in work on Google Classroom Turn in an assignment



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