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PSHE and RE at Abbeys

RE (Religious Education) and PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) are crucial components of the primary curriculum for several reasons:

Promoting Understanding and Tolerance: RE helps children understand different religions, beliefs, and cultures, fostering tolerance, empathy, and respect for diversity. In today's globalised world, it's essential for children to learn about various faiths and cultures to promote harmony and understanding.

Ethical Development: RE provides opportunities for children to explore moral and ethical issues, encouraging them to develop their own beliefs and values. This helps them become thoughtful, responsible citizens who can make informed decisions and contribute positively to society.

Cultural Awareness: Learning about different religions and cultures in RE enhances children's cultural awareness and appreciation. It broadens their perspectives and helps them recognise similarities and differences between people, promoting inclusivity and a sense of belonging.

Promoting Well-being: PSHE focuses on personal, social, health, and economic aspects of children's lives, equipping them with essential life skills to navigate various challenges. It addresses topics such as relationships, emotional well-being, healthy lifestyles, financial literacy, and staying safe, fostering resilience and empowering children to make informed choices for their well-being.

Building Relationships: PSHE encourages the development of positive relationships and effective communication skills, which are essential for children's social and emotional development. Learning about empathy, respect, and conflict resolution prepares children to build healthy relationships with peers, family, and the broader community.

Safety and Risk Management: PSHE covers topics related to safety, such as understanding risks, making safe choices, and recognising different forms of abuse. It empowers children with knowledge and skills to protect themselves and seek help when needed, contributing to their overall safety and well-being.

Preparation for Adulthood: Both RE and PSHE equip children with essential knowledge and skills that are relevant not only during their school years but also as they transition into adulthood. They provide a foundation for lifelong learning, personal development, and responsible citizenship.

RE and PSHE are integral parts of the primary curriculum because they contribute to children's holistic development, including their understanding of the world, personal well-being, social skills, and preparation for future roles as active and responsible members of society. However, Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE lessons- please contact the school if required. 

Please see below for some examples of the children's work during RE and PSHE lessons.